Friday, August 30, 2019

Herbal Uterus Tea, Ginger Root, Mullein Leaf, Stevia, and Vitex Berry (20

Herbal Uterus Tea, Ginger Root, Mullein Leaf, Stevia, and Vitex Berry (20 Bags)

Herbal Uterus Tea, Ginger Root, Mullein Leaf, Stevia, and Vitex Berry (20 Bags)

I feel good using these. I can't say I've notice much difference yet. I'm down to my last tea bag and will order more. I didn't order more initially, because I wanted to read my book about reducing fibroids to see if the 2 products (plus my Fibro defense pills all) support each other. "Healing Fibroids -A Doctor's Natural Guide" recommends drinking/eating warm foods instead of cold. This fits into that plan well.

To help it last longer, I've notice that a singular bag seems to maintain its color and strength for up to 2 cups within a day. It is a little sweet as others wrote, but I don't think it's too sweet. Stevia is my least favorite sweetner, but I think the herbs in here help mask the taste of it. I actually like this tea! Just hope it doesn't stain my teeth, as drinking too much tea tends to do.

I'll update as change occurs and explain what all I'm using. So far, I can state that hypnotherapy has worked well to shrink one fibroid and remove a smaller one. (I used it many months before any of the above products and have purchased some more sessions at a discount from a certain other site.)

This tea is a lifesaver.
I have severe anemia from uterine fibroids and I just couldn't seem to recover. I was WIPED out all the time. Literally dragging myself around.
So, somehow I came across this tea and ordered it. It arrived on the evening of the 1st day of my period. First day was AWFUL, as usual. Extremely heavy bleeding, and normally that would go on for up to 8 or 9 days.
I immediately made a cup of tea and drank it. No change until after my second cup the next morning. Day 2 was not near as bad as day 1.
My period still lasted 8 days, but it wasn't near as severe as normal, and the cramps were a lot less.
Once my period was over, I continued drinking the tea twice a day, and that awful dragging anemia feeling is almost totally gone!
Cant wait to see what another month of drinking this tea does for me!
Thank you DHERBS!

I can not believe how my period went from 10 days from last month to 5 days this does help I will order some more wow along with vitalizym that I purchased as well there's another thing that women can do to prevent a hysterectomy as well. The heavy flow has stopped I am very shocked.

This product is something I ordered this product after finding out I had fibroid. I drank the tea and not to bad the taste is pleasant and I am able to enjoy a cup in the morning and before I go to bed.

I purchased this tea weeks ago. My cycle was so unpredictable. My cycle is regular, brighter and I have less clots. I'm trying to conceive but I have to get rid of the fibroids. Next step fertile tea. Wish me luck!!!😉

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Feature Product

  • HEALTH TEA FOR WOMEN: Dherbs' Uterus Tea is made with pure herbs from nature. This unique tea formula works to naturally prime women's bodies to maintain a healthy reproductive system in order to help improve the overall wellness of the uterine lining and muscles. It may also help to relieve menstrual cramps, reduce bloating, and promote hormone balance.
  • BLEND OF QUALITY INGREDIENTS: This specially formulated tea includes quality ingredients, such as mullein leaf, vitex berry, ginger root, ashoka berry, dong quai root, sweet leaf stevia, goldenseal leaf, black cohosh root, and cramp bark root. This formula is safe for women of all ages and helps to increase female reproductive health.
  • FOR OPTIMAL UTERINE HEALTH: The all-natural herbs in our tea have been used by women throughout history to promote reproductive health. They have been known to help maintain a more normal and regulated menstrual cycle and help your body to expel waste. They may also provide natural PMS support. Drink hot or cold.
  • DRINK DAILY FOR BEST RESULTS: This tea can be easily integrated into your routine. Drink it in the mornings with breakfast, as an afternoon boost, or as part of your evening routine. Our tea is not only good for your health, but it is tasty too! To prepare your tea, place a tea bag in a cup and add hot water. Depending on your preference, you can add honey, agave nectar, or lemon juice.
  • DHERBS PRODUCTS: Each of our detox/cleansing products were expertly formulated to help you reclaim your birthright to vibrant health. With quality ingredients, we want to help boost your body's innate ability to thrive and heal naturally. Take responsibility for your health and invest in some all-natural Dherb products today!


Our Uterus Tea is expertly formulated to help with women's overall reproductive health one cup of tea at a time. This herbal tea is a great option for promoting a healthy reproductive system, in women of all ages. Our all-natural tea contains herbal ingredients that are gentle on your body and help it to regulate itself more effectively. This tea can help to restore the body's natural nourishing and cleansing functions to promote a healthy uterine lining and muscles. Many of the botanicals in this tea have traditionally been used by women throughout history for cleansing and maintaining a healthy reproductive system. They have been known to help women maintain a more normal and regulated menstrual cycle. Some of the ingredients also aid in cleansing and nourishing the reproductive system as a whole to help your body expel waste and return to a more natural, healthy state. This tea does not contain any artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives, relying solely on natural ingredients to prime your physiology and revitalize your health and well-being. This herbal tea contains mullein leaf, vitex berry, ginger root, ashoka berry, dong quai root, sweet leaf stevia, goldenseal leaf, black cohosh root, and cramp bark root. Drink this tea in the morning with breakfast, as a snack in the afternoon, or as a soothing part of your bedtime routine. Women of all ages will not only love the results that this tea can provide, but they will also love the taste. Get our Uterus Tea and feel the difference it can make.

I love these tea bags they have a great taste! Thank you.

Like this product took it for three weeks eased cramps

Works great I love it

Works wonderful I can feel the the difference...

Love it. Periods are normal thanks to this tea.

Get it Now


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