Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Wakacon KAVA Fijian WAKA powder, 1

Wakacon KAVA Fijian WAKA powder, 1 LB

Wakacon KAVA Fijian  WAKA powder, 1 LB

I've been taking kava extract pills for years for anxiety and wanted to try making my own brew. Absolutely blew me away. Cant believe how the anxiety melted away and was replaced by a feeling of well being and clarity. Method of preparation and timing between meals is extremely important for full effect. I'm 42 years old, and I measure my macros and workout 5 days a week. With that said, I'm able to time my doses when my stomach is empty and follow them with some protein and fat to increase the effect. After researching and experimenting, I found prepping it in a blender with some sunflower lecithin for 5 minutes, let sit about 15 minutes, then pour into a wakacon filter bag(very durable), dip and squeeze firmly repeatedly for about 15 minutes. Pressure is what really extracts the kavalactones into the water, aided by the sunflower lecithin. I usually prep about 150 grams of powder with about 60 ozs. of water. I weigh the end product in grams so I can measure my doses accurately depending on my needs. Amazing after a workout, as my stomach is empty and my serotonin and dopamine are already flowing. This stuff actually builds your GABA receptors as opposed to benzos that shut them down. Saved me from going back to my vices or taking addictive anti-anxiety prescriptions. I will definitely stay with Wakacon, as their Waka blend is a mix of uplifting and calming lateral roots. Love starting my day with a small dose followed by a light breakfast. Preferably a meal shake on an anticipated stressful day, so that my stomach empties quickly for another small dose before lunch. Don't know what I'd do without this stuff. Thank you Wakacon for saving my well being. Bula!

This brand is a favorite of mine. I really enjoy the relaxing effects of kava(not really the taste) ha! But it is very helpful to uplift my mood and relax my body and mind when I need a boost. This kava is pretty strong and if you take to much it will make you sleepy, which is a good thing if you can't sleep. Very relaxing strong blend. The taste is not so good but that's what you get when you drink kava. Most people who drink kava aren't really doing it for the taste, but for the relaxing effects. This is a good brand and I have bought from them several times. I also tried their white package but it is not as strong as this one.
I mix it with something to make it taste better and it will leave you relaxed and happy for hours!

Used it a many times and it's good! Shared it with some friends and it worked for them too. Read a lot of reviews saying it did nothing.... pretty sure they aren't preparing it properly, aren't making it strong enough, aren't doing it on an empty stomach or a combination of all 3. The instructions on the bag are almost useless which may be misleading people into bad experiences. Do some research on the traditional method of preparation.
Kava is not water soluble; you can't just soak it or steep it. You have to knead it for at LEAST 10 min in water. You're making an suspension not a solution. Meaning the kavalactones won't dissolve in the water; they float (suspend) in it. To release the kavalactones you must kneed them out into the water.

*** Quick an dirty instructions: ***
- Get a mixing bowl, a nut milk bag, 1 tablespoon, 1/4 measuring cup, and a glass to drink from
- Make sure your stomach is empty so stop eating anything like 4 hours prior
- Do ***NOT*** mix alcohol with this!!! Wait at least 24 hours to consume alcohol

Basically it's a 1 to 4 ratio of kava to water. So 4 HEAPING tablespoons to 4 tablespoons of water (or 1/4 cup water). If you want to do 4 heaping tblsp of kava then you need four 1/4 cups water (or 1 cup) This would be a pretty mild mix and a good starting point to see if you want more or less kava to water.

Put 4 *heaping* table spoons of kava into the nut milk bag. Dump in four 1/4 cups of lukewarm water (not hot!) into your mixing blow. Dip the end of the nut milk bag, which has the kava, into the water and squeeze the heck out of it for 10 - 15 minutes. Work it around, smush it in different places, lift it and wring it out then put it back in and keep kneading the full 10-15 min. After you've worked it for almost 15 min then wring it out really good one last time and set that aside (you can use it one more time for a less potent grog!)

Pour your fresh kava suspension (grog) into a glass, hold your nose and drink it down! Don't sip it or take any longer than necessary to get it down. Do not smell it because it doesn't smell good and really won't encourage you to drink. It's pretty much like drinking a mud puddle. Might want a chaser; some pure water works or Pepsi MAX is a good one. Nothing heavy or full of sugar; something light to wash it down. While that's kicking pour another cup of water into your mixing bowl and knead another batch up. By the time that's read you should be feeling it. Drink down this second glass and let it all settle for a good 15 to 30 minutes.

You may get some nausea and that's totally normal (I actually get pretty intense nausea for like 10-15 min but my body is very sensitive). The more sediment you drink the more you may feel icky but that's the good stuff there so drink it up! Maybe your thinking "well that's stupid.. it makes me feel nauseous?!" ... yeah and so does alcohol ! Think of it this way... if you drink enough alcohol to get really drunk you get nauseous and likely a wicked hangover. With kava you get a little nauseous right away, it passes in like 10 minutes and you're good to go ... with no hangover. Plus you don't loose your motor-skills, slur your speech, or become a monster

The man who drinks kava is still a man, but the man who drinks liquors becomes a beast.
Traditional Hawaiian proverb

Similar to a lot of experiences like this, the set and setting are important. I recommend a super chill setting with a few close friends, some smooth/chill music, and conversation. If you're by yourself then strap on some head phones or do some meditation to really get the full effect.

To dial in the potency to your preference then you adjust the kava to water ratio or make more batches of the same potency. If you didn't get nauseous then you can significantly increase the kava to water ratio; try 2 or 3 tablespoons to 1/4 cup water. If that 1:4 ratio made you nauseous then make 4 batches of them so you have time to recover in between. The reason I keep using 1/4 cup is to fine tune your ratios. The more kava you add you may need a little more water so you're not making it so thick you can't drink it. It's more art than science; play around with it ... do more research ... you'll figure it out.

Kava is a diuretic so be sure you are SLAMMING fluids for the rest of the day and the next day. So to avoid any ishy effects the next day stay very hydrated and you'll feel fine after it wears off and into the next day.

Please do some more of your own research; I've just given some very basic guidance here for this specific blend. There's all kinds of different blends, types, methods.... you can make more elaborate creations to change the taste and potency... Welcome to the world of kava!

Every person with a healthy liver MUST TRY KAVA!! It's therapeutic in a calming, relaxing, content with the world kind of way. Perfect for at least two common problems, Back Pain and Anxiety (stress, worry, burn out... all will feel better). Top quality, nice effects for the evening when you need to unwind and get comfortable. Kava is amazing for muscle spasms and relieves pain. You'll sleep great and wake up feeling a calm afterglow that leaves you well rested and ready to take on your day.
But the black bag WAKA, it's excellent.
I use 2 Tablespoons for mild and 4 tablespoons for bedtime / strong relaxation or when nothing else helps my back pain.
Start low and see how you feel. Wait at least 30min before drinking more. Knead & squeezethe strainer bag like it says, 8-10 mins
Thank you, Wakacon :)
Study up on kava, it's a wonderful gift to all of us!

After mixing 4 tbs with a cup of half water and half almond milk, and kneading the powder through a Kava strainer (yes you do need one) my girlfriend and I tried Kava for the first time. While she felt the calming effects within a few minutes, I have yet to feel anything after several more occasions of daily drinking. From my understanding this is due to an effect known as reverse tolerance (which some reviewers who rated the product 1 or 2 stars don't seem to know about), where Kavalactones (active calming chemical) need to build up in some individuals before any major effects are felt. this process can take anywhere from a few days, to even a few months of daily consumption. Therefore while I can verify that this brand of noble Kava does indeed give some a sense of calm and relaxation, since I have yet to feel the effects, I cannot give a full 5 star review. If and when I manage to break my tolerance, I will update my review with a full report of my personal experience and will adjust my rating accordingly

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KAVA "WAKA" Over the great ocean blue there lies a place where Kava rain is plentiful and falls from the sky making everyone relax and stop worrying. If that is not where you live, just try some extra special Waka Grade Kava and see how that strong smooth taste numbs your tongue.It may give you Kava face which is highly desirable. So grab some of Fiji's most potent lateral roots and enjoy because you know that we only sell the highest quality Kava. That strong kava smell lets you know it's good. It is a fine powder making the straining easy. Finally a quality Kava at a affordable price. A perfect elixir for an intimate gathering. Our Kava is always tested at University of the South Pacific and found to be Noble. (Kava Strainer Bag required)

I have tried many different types of Kava and the quality is amazing at this price point. I don't even order from other vendors anymore because most of them sell half what I get at a more expensive price!! Definitely worth it!!

I recently purchased Wakacon WAKA powder having never tried Kava before. I was thinking of it as a healthier alternative to alcohol, and I'm glad I made the investment. I had purchased the Alumaball mixer as well, so I followed the instructions to make a batch, which only took about 3 minutes total. I added some whole milk to the mixture after removing the alumaball, shook it up one more time, and then drank the whole mixture, which is when the magic happened. Within 30 seconds, I felt the numbness on my tongue, so I figured it was working. I put some music on, and went upstairs to change clothes. Minutes later when I came back down, I was feeling different, better. The music sounded great, and I felt a sense of energetic calm. I felt the urge to be social, and picked up the phone and called a friend that I hadn't talked to in a long time, and had a great conversation. After hanging up, I felt hungry so I made an early dinner, and then went on an hour long bike ride. While out on the ride, I stopped by the house of some family members that I hadn't seen in a while and reconnected with them for an hour or so, before riding back home.

Long story short, I can honestly say that this product had a positive effect on my depression symptoms and any anxiety I was having throughout the day. It made me feel relaxed and social, and made me want to reconnect with people I hadn't seen in a long time and that my mood had prevented me from reaching out to. I am not sure what the other reviews are referring to as to the bad taste - because of the mouth numbing properties, I hardly notice anything at all, especially after adding the whole milk. Tonight I'll try the operation again, with the same bike ride and meal, and maybe, just maybe, can use this product to get into a healthy routine. I ordered 1 LB, and if the product continues to improve my day as it did yesterday, I will definitely re-order!

I have had RIDICULOUS insomnia for over a decade. I have always used alcohol to deal with it but in recent months started feeling like it was causing some really serious health problems, like gout flair ups and the like. In searching for an alternative I stumbled upon Kava and figured what the heck. Well needly to say this worked COMPLETELY. The first night I drank it I was zonked out within an hour and slept for 8 straight hours which never happens. Whats even more crazy is the next 3 nights I slept without even using the kava! It's been about 2 weeks now and I just use it when I can tell I am going to have trouble sleeping, I did have one night where it didn't work and I was up all night, but the next night I slept again with the use of the kava. So maybe there' s a bit of a tolerance issue or maybe it was just a fluke but as someone who has tried melatonin, valerian, magnesium, l-theanine, kratom, and just about anything else you can think of to sleep with no good results this is a GOD SEND. I highly recommend it for insomnia so long as you do your research about the liver concerns thingy. I personally don't think it could harm my liver any worse than my 6 beers a night regimen was so I'm just having faith that at the very least it's a step above what I was doing. No gout flair ups anymore, no strange pains like I used to have, I think it's GOT to be healthier than alcohol at the very least. So thank you Wakacon for giving me my sleep back!

I'm not a kavasseur by any means, relatively new to the experience but this is my favorite available on amazon. This stuff is a great value followed by Dua na Bilo and Kalm with Kava products (the only others I have tried though I will try KWK again soon as I was DEFINITELY in reverse tolerance phase; It's unfortunately real for some of us). I do 3 heaping tablespoons with about 16oz room temp water in a paint strainer (kavafied strainer to be exact, bought on this website, will be trying their root soon as well). I do two washes then put the "spent" makas in the freezer. Once I run out of fresh virgin kava I do a third wash in a pot on very low heat with just enough water to cover the root grind, kind of like I'm making oatmeal, stir for about 10-15 minutes and then strain. I think the freezing helps break the cell walls and allows for easier release of the kavalactones.
To all the newbies: keep at it if you have reverse tolerance, it's worth it in the long run and really helps me stay away from alcohol. Honestly it costs me about the same if I were drinking at home during my heavy boozing phase (2 handles [3.5 litres] a week or MORE, sometimes a litre a day for long periods) Keeps me out of bars paying a 500% markup and if I do decide to go to a bar to meet friends etc. I know I will be safe having a few shells. Even a few shells in your car during your night out. You don't get unbridled confidence like you do on the sauce, you remain the same rational person, just a little more relaxed and happy.

Bula, friends

This is my first experience with Kava. I usually have a few glasses of wine to unwind every night. I started kava with the idea that I could cut way down on my alcohol usage. The trick is finding the ratio that works for you. The first time I tried it, I kneaded two tablespoons to 4 cups of liquid. Needless to say, it did nothing. The second time I tried it, I kneaded two tablespoons to 2 cups of liquid. That is the magic number for me! I got a buzzed feeling quickly that lasted a good 20 minutes then I was just super relaxed for the rest of the night. I haven't drank any alcohol in two days The stuff works. Side note: I knead my kava into 1 part water mixed with 1 part organic coconut milk to make it more palatable. That may be cheating but that is the only way I would be able to get/keep it down.

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