Wednesday, September 11, 2019

TarTrap Disposable Cigarette Filters, 300 per

TarTrap Disposable Cigarette Filters, 300 per Pack

TarTrap Disposable Cigarette Filters, 300 per Pack

I used to use these things way back in hs.. like 1999-2001.. and they were only sold in those asian stationery stores back then in packs of 10 for 10 bucks... basically a dollar a piece.. after awhile I couldn't afford them and just forgot about em.. fast forward 18 years later and I see these on amazon and I just had to get them... once you start using them, you'll never go back to just drawing from a regular cigarette.. the tar that it pulls out really puts the smoking into perspective and it's pretty gross thinking about that tar going into your lungs. I smoke newports, about a pack and a half a day and used to wake up with a phlegmy throat and morning coughs.... after using these for a couple days.... my throat is clear and I don't wake up hacking my lungs out.
One filter tip will last me about 5-6 cigarettes depending on how fast or hard i'm pulling from the cigarette.. there's a little yellow plastic tip inside that catches the tar... I use this until I can't really see that yellow tip anymore, and then maybe squeeze another cigarette in before discarding. It comes with a little paper case that holds 5 tips but I just take about 6 of these and have it in my cigarette pocket all day.
You might find several tips cracked in the bag so far out of the bag of 300 I've only found about 4 or 5 of them.. the cracked ones still work fine, it will only work for about 2-3 cigarettes

These work amazing! Just as the description mentioned. I gave 4 stars because a lot of the filters need to be pushed down. So the yellow piece inside of the clear part is sometimes not snug completely to the end of the filter. I noticed that after smoking two cigarettes with the filter, it wasn't catching as much tar as I thought it would. When I looked at it closely, I realized that the yellow rubber on the inside needed to be pushed in all the way for it to work effectively. So, I pushed the rubber part down using a paper clip by sticking the paper clip in from the side that the cigarette goes in. After doing this, I grabbed a handful of filters out from the bag and found that majority of them had to be pushed in as well. The picture shown was taken after smoking two menthol-lite cigarettes. I feel like I should never smoke another cigarette without it! I normally build up a lot of mucus in my throat when I smoke, but now... not so much. I hope to quit someday, and I think this will help.

Can't smoke without one anymore! You can smoke 2-3 American Spirits with it before it fills up with tar all the way. Can't believe that was saved from being in my lungs... Can only smoke 2-3 if it's in a row. Otherwise, the tar will harden and you can't pull from it. So it's more like a one-and-done sort of deal, but at 5 cents a pop, whatever. I don't feel like quitting, but I might as well make it as healthy as I can!

I have been using the TarTraps for several years. Yes; I did try to quit smoking, didn't work. The TarTraps have completely stopped the morning coughing and I no longer have that shortness of breath from smoking. This is and awesome product. I can't say enough about the TraTraps! if you are a smoker this is a product you should have on hand at all times. TarTrap, this is one product that actually WORKS!

Pam Miller


Unbelievable how much tar they take away!! If you are going to smoke, use these to keep the damage to a minimum. I have shared with other smokers and the can't believe the difference. No stain on teeth. Just imagine how much better for your lungs.

Get it Now

Feature Product

  • TarTrap reduces most of the tar and nicotine in the cigarette smoke while you can still enjoy the full, unchanged flavor of your favorite cigarettes
  • TarTrap filters use the most advanced filtering technology
  • Equals 10 packs of boxed filters in a convenient resealable bag
  • Pocket pack included with every bag - conveniently holds 5 filters to carry on the go


TarTrap premium cigarette filters, highest quality on the market! 100% satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. TarTrap filters help reduce the tar by up to 90% and many smokers love it because the taste of the cigarette does not change! After a couple weeks after using these filters, smokers may see their morning cough reduced or even eliminated. The plastic, which TarTrap filters made of is the same kind as used in production of baby-food bottles. So, naturally, it is harmless to health, nontoxic and causes no allergy. Each TarTrap filter can be used up to 6 times however usage may vary with every smoker due to the length of drag. Regular use of TarTrap cigarette filters reduce coughing, shortness of breath and relieves sore throat. It also minimizes yellow-brown stains on teeth and fingers caused by smoking. Benefits of using TarTrap premium filters: reduces up to 90% of tar from entering for lungs help reduce & quit smoking reduces coughing & shortness of breath minimize stains on teeth and fingers the most convincing result of TarTrap utilization is relief of tormenting morning cough, experienced by the most aggressive smokers. Since TarTrap takes the tar out of smoke. It is so obvious, when the black substance is gradually collected after each cigarette and visualized through transparent walls of cigarette holder. TarTrap extracts up to 90% of the tar from cigarette smoke and substantially lowers the level of nicotine.

Great bargain! I will not smoke without these type of filters and this deal is a steal.. well.. almost. The thin plastic bag was open and filters were all over the outside packing but it's all good.

I bought these for my dad after spending almost my entire life trying to get him to quit smoking. I felt like this was the next best thing to quitting. He really likes them because they don't change the taste of the cigarettes. You really see the tar building up immediately after smoking which helps change your mindset. My dad gives them out to friends to try as well. It comes with a small carrying case so your pockets don't smell terrible.

This product is awesome I purchased for my sister in law who has COPD and she was coughing really bad and she starting using Tara traps and her coughing is much better and she said you can see all the Tar in the filter and it's really bad how much tar you can see trapped in the tip after just one use 5 Star product Lavia pineville Louisiana 💙

My fiancé is a constant - everyday smoker, as well as other family members so we got 2 bags. I like how these catch the tar instantly. So far out of half the bag he has not complained. He uses 1 filter for 2-3 cigarettes. Highly recommended for Marlboro brand - or others of the same size filter/rollies. They came in on time - if not faster, I hadn't really kept track of the days, but it seemed to be faster - and as pictured. If my fiancé continues to smoke, I will be purchasing more...

Since I bought these I've gone through just 3 tips per pack of 20 a class cigarettes. The amount of tar being filtered out instead of being in my lungs have helped drastically. My lungs are cleaning themselves out from the tar build up(flem) before I used this. I just got the head buzz I haven't felt in years from using these with the cigarette. Highly recommend using these. If your lungs aren't too far gone these will help get that head rush back again. Works for me.

Get it Now


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