Has been helpful for postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (by helping to bring up blood volume). I make a solution of this product, Natural Calm (magnesium citrate), sea salt, and NoSalt (potassium chloride/sodium chloride mix), in one liter of water, once daily. Sometimes I'll also add D-ribose and creatine if I'm not also making a workout smoothie that day.
This product alone tastes fine. My mix tastes pretty bad, but it has really brought down my heart rate difference upon standing, and enabled me to start exercising again.
This review has gone through a few iterations, and has ended with 5-stars. I think it's a wonderful product, and you can't go wrong buying it. Each packet works perfectly with a 33 oz (1 litre) water bottle -- the kind you can get from Costco or Safeway. Just pour the packet into it. It actually has a taste that comes as close to regular as one could get with this sort of thing. There's a mild saltiness, but I actually like it. It tastes far better than the flavored hydration salts out there, because those ones are mixed with Erythritol, which has a God-awful taste. Trioral is a hands-down winner over all those other ones. It also quenches my thirst way better than plain water does, so I've even started including it with all my water intake now. Needless to say, I plan to keep buying more of this product. I just hope they don't raise the price because it is already ~$1.xx / packet.
I am ordering my second box and wish the 100 box was available through subscribe and save! I have a condition called "POTS" and these packets are starting to give me my life back! I put one in EVERY liter of water I drink. The hint of a salty/sweet taste was off putting when I first started using them. But now, when I drink regular water, it tastes horrible! With a body that generally refuses to stay hydrated, this product is a life saver. Good bye annoying, frequent and time consuming ER visits to get an IV to rehydrate!
Good product. I am a nurse so I looked for the correct proportion of rehydrating elements and this product defiantly has it. It dissolves quickly and easily in water no grit left over like some of the cheaper products. The only reason it didn't get 5 stars from me is the fact it's flavorless. Once dissolved you end up with a liquid that tastes very much like pedialite. I live in the Deep South where heat indexes are reaching 110-111 degrees so hydration is useful for sure! If the taste is off putting to you try adding some liquid water flavoring then you can tailor it to whatever flavor you want! Oh and definitely best served cold!
Great value, though you'll want to maybe add some flavor to the final product as it's like drinking salt water (which it is). I'm a doctor and this is a great thing for preventing dehydration (in lieu of actual IV bags) in an emergency situation assuming you can swallow the mixture with water and have a functioning gastrointestinal tract.

Feature Product
- WHO Approved Reduced Osmolarity Oral Rehydration Salts
- Electrolyte Replacement During Intense Physical Activity.
- Great Addition to your Medical First Aid Kit or Hiking Kit, and a Must Have for International Travelers.
- Hangover Recovery Support, Nutritional Support, Fatigue Support, Dehydration Support Caused by Food Poisoning, Stomach Flu, Fever, Diarrhea, or Vomiting.
- No artificial colors, Preservatives or artificial flavors. Manufactured in Accordance with Pharmaceutical GMP Regulations. Each Order includes a Certificate of Analysis with USFDA Registration Number.
WHO Approved Reduced Osmolarity Oral Rehydration Salts 20.5g/0.72 oz Powder Packet. (NEW FORMULA). Manufactured according to Pharmaceutical Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). The new improved formula is the result of extensive research sponsored by WHO's Department of Child and Adolescent Health and Development and supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). What exactly are TRIORAL Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS)? TRIORAL ORS are effective, inexpensive, safe and convenient packets of pre-formulated salts/ sugar when mixed with water will rehydrate your body fast, regardless of the cause. Each TRIORAL ORS packet is a sealed, pre-measured and pre-formulated powder that contains: Glucose anhydrous 13.5g, Trisodium Citrate Dehydrate 2.9g, Sodium Chloride 2.6g and Potassium Chloride 1.5g. How does TRIORAL ORS work and why are these electrolytes important? This combination of electrolytes with glucose optimizes efficient absorption via the intestinal tract. With TRIORAL ORS both the active transport of glucose and diffusion of salts/water through the intestinal lining are at work-- so you rehydrate fast. Dehydration may occur unexpectedly and rapidly as a result of excessive fluid loss due to sweating, urination, fever, etc. When the body is depleted of critical salts and water, severe dehydration many ensue, resulting in acute medical emergencies. How should I take the TRIORAL ORS packets? Empty completely one TRIORAL ORS packet into one liter of water. Only open the sealed packet when you are ready to mix with water and drink it. Since it contains NO artificial sweeteners or flavoring agents, at your discretion, you can squeeze a lemon, lime or orange to taste. If recommended by a physician, pharmacist or other health professional, follow his/her instructions.
I was first turned on to rehydration salts when I was in the Peace Corps, and once I got back to the states I knew I needed to keep a stash on hand. These have come in handy so many times -- particularly because my current job also requires me to travel to places with questionable sanitation infrastructure/water quality. When you need next-level hydration in a hurry, it's good to have a couple of these in your back pocket.
Mostly, though, I use these to ward off hangovers. If I have a sneaking suspicion that I might have had one drink too many, I mix up one of these with a liter of water and drink the whole thing before I go to bed. The next morning, I wake up free and clear. It is a MIRACLE every time. I still haven't gotten on board with the taste (ugh, saltwater) but I will absolutely endure it if it means not spending the entire next day in misery.
My anecdotal proof of how well this stuff works is my friend's bachelorette party; after a night out on the town, I made everybody drink a glass of this stuff before bed. Only one friend refused (on account of the taste). The next morning, we were all up bright and early, feeling great and ready for the day -- except for my non-salt-drinking buddy, who spent the next few hours lying in a dark room, popping aspirin for her headache and mournfully sipping gatorade. Trioral may be a bit pricey, and I will never love the flavor, but it absolutely does the trick.
I don't drink enough water as a rule, just don't have a thirst drive, so I'm chronically in a state of slight dehydration. These Trioral packs have helped me to get and stay better hydrated. If you use in 1 liter of water as directed, you can't taste it. I tend to put the entire pack into about 10 ounces of water, so it tastes a bit salty, but I like the taste of salt. In this larger quantity (50/box), they aren't as expensive per serving as some other kinds of hydrating packets (some are over $1 per pack).
I have been buying these packets for yrs in the 15 pick box. My husband works doing hard labor and also works out a lot we had been trying to find something that would help him stay hydrated and this was it. I have tried other products similar to this and even the electrolyte pills but it was not the same. The quality and taste of this product are amazing. I did not realized there was a 100 pack option but I did order that as soon as I noticed. Best deal for these. I love that these taste a little like coconut water that even my toddler loves to drink it. I always recommend these to others and even give them as gifts specially to those who I know work out a lot.
The box of 100 packets is an excellent deal, costing only 40 cents per packet. I use one or two of these (mixed in one or two liters of water) with a small Crystal Light drink mix packet when working outdoors in the Florida heat and humidity. Each packet adds only 50 calories to your daily total. The unflavored taste is not unpleasant, mildly salty. I normally chill the mixed solution.
Thought I was going into early mental decline, turns out I was just dehydrated. This stuff is a must for long flights, and physical activity in the heat. Gotta mix it with a full liter of water. Slightly salty sweet, very palatable, especially when cold.

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