Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Hugo Mobility Portable Rollator Walker with Seat, Backrest and 8 Inch Wheels,

Hugo Mobility Portable Rollator Walker with Seat, Backrest and 8 Inch Wheels, Blue

Hugo Mobility Portable Rollator Walker with Seat, Backrest and 8 Inch Wheels, Blue

It is a pleasure to write a review for a product that is transformative. This Hugo rollator with its eight inch wheels makes life so much easier for anyone whose mobility is challenged and has the strength to operate a moving walker. Rollators by definition have four wheels, hand brakes and often a seat, and the front wheels swivel to make turning easy, as opposed to the old-fashioned type of walker with rigid legs. I have used various brands of rollators for over twenty years and speak from daily experience. Walgreen carries one with smaller wheels I used for awhile, but the welding broke. This Hugo product has extra welding at key connections and I expect it to last for years, maybe longer than I do.

It is a pity more older people don't use rollators. So often I see someone hobbling along with a cane, obviously in pain and at risk of falling, which has dire consequences for anyone over 60. A broken leg or hip can cascade into permanent disability. Sometimes I even gently suggest using a rollator, pointing to mine and touting its stability and flexibility. Cost should not be a consideration because Medicare will pay for it, if a doctor writes a prescription. Men in particular seem to disdain the use of any kind of walker, until they are so disabled they need a wheelchair. Perhaps it is a psychological fear of letting the world see that you need help, a loss of feeling independent. But that may be illusory. The beauty of the rollator is that it keeps you on your feet and actually enables greater independence. Although I can hardly walk two steps without assistance, with my Hugo I often whiz right by people struggling along with canes. Plus, walking is weight-bearing exercise, something we all need especially as we age. Riding around in a wheelchair would be very pleasant if you have someone to push you, but actually using your legs, if you have the strength to move them, is an enormous health benefit.

Features usually include brakes, seats, adjustable height, and add-ons like cup holders and a way to hook up an oxygen device. If applied correctly, the hand brakes make the rollator stable. The underseat bag is super useful, and the seat is heaven-sent. How nice to cruise around, sit for a few moments to let your leg muscles recover, and then take off again! I have one rollator inside the house with a tray on the seat for holding everything from my coffee cup to potted plants, and another in the car (Medicare will pay for one, a second one costs typically between $75 and $125).

This Hugo is by far the best rollator I have had. Hugo's larger wheels provide more traction over uneven surfaces. My 'wheels' take me out into the back garden, over bumpy decomposed granite surfaces, weaving in and out among fruit trees, and when I want to take in the view, I simply turn around and sit. There is just one caveat. The person who gets it out for me has more trouble opening this one than the old Walgreen's model I used for years. You have to pull out a knob while spreading the wheels and pushing the center down. It is awkward for him, a dream for me. It's sort of like admiring the beautiful snowfall from your window but not being the one who has to shovel it. Maybe Hugo can improve that one aspect. Otherwise, thank you, Hugo, for providing an enhanced life!

I needed a superior Rollator for my daughter's wedding on a grassy mountain top, four days away. The one I travelled with from another state, with 5" wheels, kept getting stuck in every dip in the surface and I was exhausted after 15 feet, but needed something that would go at least 100 feet! I saw this one on the Amazon site, with the 8" wheels, and held my breath until it came, in 2 days, as promised!

We went out to the venue, and this "bionic wheeled" Rollator was AMAZING! It had rained the previous day, and the ground was wet, and this Rollator got me through every dip in the surface like a snowmobile! Unfortunately, it also rained the day of the wedding, and we had to move under the tent, but even wet, this Rollator kept plugging along. I love it! The best part, is when it folds, you must pull a knob out to unfold it, so it doesn't unfold on its own like some of the others. It even matched my dress! It is a bit heavier than most, but can take a beating, and fits through doorways. But don't forget to lock the brake. It rolls away! Almost rolled into my pool when I stopped to throw my dog's ball! My third and FINAL walker brand. #1

I have owned a previous Hugo for eight years. I abused it. I would throw it around Tip it over and bang it on the floor. The walker withstood it all.
That walker needed an allen wrench to tighten screws. My old walker and this new one are the same accept for three things. This one uses pins
Has a red knob instead of black, I had a lip on the old brakes this one does not. I have a few tips never walk with your brakes on or move walker with them on. The brakes will eventually quit working if you do that. The brakes can come apart because they can pull out in a doorway or up against
an object. put black electrical tape on the handles or white ties, This will keep your brakes secure and you can do this on the legs of walker if you have problems. I have had it for arthritis, I got sciatica last year this walker is a must. I went without it for a week about ruined my back. I am still trying to get pain free. Shipped and delivered in two days. Get yourself some piece of mine. My old walker the leg broke

I purchased this walker to transition from g.i. Hospital walker post-hip surgery. Once you’re stable enough to not need the safeguard of the “drag” a 2-wheel walker provides (doesn’t roll well so slows one down a bit,) this zippy walker is great for sidewalks, city streets, etc.
It compacts pretty well w/ a good swift yank up on the nylon strap, though there’s a learning curve to get it closed & “clicked” so it doesn’t slide back open. The knob integrated into the side hinge works well, I’ve just had to instruct people to pull it out firmly & smoothly. The basket & hinged seat are very handy, w/ the basket coming off as needed using snaps.
PLEAE NOTE, it is NOT intended for use to transport people, i.e. seated & pushed by someone else. If you look at the wheel hardware it’s obviously not designed to sustain that degree of weight + motion.
It bears my weight well @ <200lbs w/,walking/standing, & happily sitting on it.
Measure your trunk / other intended storage areas on vehicles you’ll be using well, as it does take up a bit of room, but well worth it for the price. It’s also very nice looking, as walkers go.
I’ve been using it for just a month, it’s been carried up & down long flight of stairs, in & out of cars, etc, & seems to be holding up quite well.

My 93-year-old father has gotten quite feeble, and his other walker (also a rollator) had one broken brake. So I surprised him with this one, which I liked because the height of the handles was adjustable so I didn't have to figure out what height to order (he is 5'7 and it turns out we didn't have to adjust it). This is much nicer than his other one, which was more bare-bones. In fact, it's got really nice handles and a plush roll bar. Wheels are larger - 8" where his former ones were 6" - this makes for a sturdier roll when walking or standing. For those who are wondering, the space below the seat could hold something about the size of two six-packs of soda, maybe slightly more if malleable - so, for example, it easily holds Dad's jacket and some other things. The only thing that was a drawback for me was that it's a bit heavier than the previous one (which was a featherlight - really easy to lift). But this one isn't terribly heavy, just heavier than previous. It has a lock (a red pin) on the side that's a benefit on the one hand because it guarantees it can't fold up in motion but a little annoying when folding or unfolding. Also, the roll-bar on the back is stationary. (On his other one, it flipped up so it was easier to get into the trunk.) But some of these challenges are just a function of this being a nicer, sturdier rolling walker. On the whole, we're very pleased. I feel like my father is safer, and he likes his spiffy electric blue wheels!

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Feature Product

  • This blue rollator walker has a built-in seat with backrest that provides a perfect place to sit and rest, includes a convenient under seat storage bag. Lightweight
  • Hugo's Rollator has height adjustable handle bars for proper posture and ergonomic hand grips which place your hands at a natural angle for comfort and better brake access
  • Tool-free assembly makes this rolling walker quick and easy to set up, simple to fold down and fits into most car trunks
  • Designed to support adults up to 300 lbs. and well suited for those that have conditions that compromise balance.Folds and locks for easy storage in car or closet
  • Extra Large 8 inch wheels give you reliable stability for more confidence and security when walking indoors or outdoors


Rollator Walkers by Hugo give you the mobility, convenience and portability that you need in a walker. These blue rollators have a built-in seat with backrest that provides a perfect place to sit and rest. In addition, this mobility aid has a convenient under seat storage bag that offers security for your valuables. Hugo’s Rollator Walker has height adjustable handle bars for proper posture and ergonomic hand grips that place your hands at a natural angle for comfort and better brake access. The tool-free assembly makes this mobility aid quick and easy to set up, simple to fold down for easy storage and even fits into most car trunks. Hugo‘s Rolling Walker is designed to support adults up to 300 lbs. and is well suited for those rehabilitating an injury, dealing with severe arthritis or those who have conditions that compromise their balance. With extra large 8 inch wheels, this rollator gives you reliable stability for more confidence and security when walking indoors or outdoors. Model # 700-957


  • Weight Capacity: 300 lbs.
  • Fits Most People Between: 5' - 6'2"
  • Handle Height Adjustments (handle to floor): 2'9" - 3'3"
  • Wheel Size: 8"
  • Item Weight: 15.4 lbs.
  • Seat Width: 12.0"
  • Seat Depth: 12.0"
  • Seat Height (seat to floor): 22.0"
  • Assembled Dimensions (open): 27.0" x 24.5" x 32.0"
  • Width Between Handlebars: 17.5"

This walker is nice and sturdy. My husband uses a cane for balance, and since he has fallen several times this past year, we thought a walker would be good for going any distance in a store that does not provide a basket. It is easy to put together except for the E-Clips that are supposed to hold the wire close to the leg. A strong man cannot make them snap but if you take the wire out of the clamp, it clicks shut. We called the company and they weren't any help. I really don't know what use these E-Clips are. They don't snap shut. Also, my husband is over six feet so it fits him pretty good so he doesn't have to bend over so much.

I have a disability and, as such, have quite a bit of experience with walkers. While I don't usually offer reviews, I'm writing this one to express how pleased I am with this walker. It is extremely well engineered. It is solid and offers a smooth walk. The wheels are heavy duty and perfect for outdoor use. I highly recommend this product. I will say, however, that I found the assembly directions to be marginal. Nevertheless, once I figured out what to do, the walker assembled beautifully.

Very large, not like those cheap little ones which is great for me because I am a big girl.
Only wish the wheels were rubber, not plastic, I think the rubber would be more quiet and more secure on cement and floor surfaces.

I had lumbar spine fusion and needed a walker that would roll very good to help with my walking exercises. I am 6'/3" and this walker has worked great for me. very stirdy and well built. The 8" wheels are great. this walker will roll easely in all conditions, pavement, street, grass, and of course in the house. Small bumps are no problem also, rolls right over with out any hesitation. I would recommend to every one and i would buy again for sure. Great price for the quality of the product. Seat is very comfortable also and compartment under seat is large so i can take a lot of stuff with me that i may need to keep with me. Brakes work very good and when locked it is very stable and has no movement problems. Also love the hand grips, very comfortable design. I give 5 stars becouse i feel for the low price of this walker and the quality, it would be hard to find anything better. The 8" wheels really sets it apart from most others.

My Mother has recently been told that she should start using a walker, her therapist recommended as 4-wheel version (with brakes and a seat for resting.) I read some reviews on Amazon, and decided this model would be most suitable. After I ordered it, a friend of a friend said he had a brand new 4-wheel walker with brakes that I could have for free, so I cancelled my Amazon order. As it turned out, the walker the friend had was far too large for my 5'3" Mom, so I re-ordered the Hugo walker, and it came in about 3 (or 4) days. It was fairly easy to assemble, my Leatherman super tool had anything you would need, (or a screwdriver and a wrench would be fine.) My only (minor) complaint is that it's a bit tricky to open, you almost need an extra hand, but I imagine that with more frequent use that problem will subside. All in all, I was satisfied with the ease of ordering, the prompt cancelation when requested, and the quick completion of the re-order. Mom is not happy about having to use a walker, but she says this model is working fine for her. Thanks!

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