Glad that this inexpensive protector was the perfect fit for my 2 1/2 year old's long arm cast. Fingertip to cast end measured just under 15" so I took a chance and ordered, figuring he could make a fist if necessary. It's been ideal for showers- the opening is just small enough to be an effective seal for his small upper arm. We do cover the cast with one of my knee high socks before we put the protector on, just in case extra moisture finds its way in around the opening. Almost 3 weeks and I don't believe the sock has even gotten damp under the protector. Yay for spending only a few dollars per protector for something we'll only need a short time- and hopefully never need in the future. ;)
Update: after about 3 1/2 weeks the opening was slightly too stretched to be effective anymore, so we switched to the second protector in the box. These have been so useful!
THIS THING IS AMAZING! I'm truly shocked at how well it worked on my wiggly toddler. She hated it at first, but it was way better than rubber bands and a Ziploc bag. I didn't even have to open the second one in the pack because the first one stayed nice and snug for the entire 4 weeks that we used it. To be perfectly honest, there were a couple times that this protector got damp inside, but it could have been because my daughter is REALLY small for this product and it slid down and sagged past her hand, sometimes getting caught on something during bathtime. Also, she plays pretty rough, even during bath time, so her cast was submerged several times and never got messed up. This protector stayed really high quality until the very end, and I'm SO GRATEFUL for this because it is a fraction of the cost of all the other contraptions on Amazon. I'm so glad I didn't opt for one of the bulky plastic things because this was truly amazing and not expensive.
As the proud mom of a very careless 12 year old boy, these cast covers come in incredibly handy! No more sticky, frustrating, LEAKY cling wrap! He can put these over his cast by himself - which means that I don't have to spend 20 minutes wrapping with plastic and rubberbands - and his cast is completely protected while he showers! Never had one tear or leak.
Like everyone else, I tried a number of more expensive cast covers, DIY ideas, and so on, with little to no luck. My daughter wore a cast for almost 3 months that immobilized her thumb and went almost to her elbow. Other more expensive covers were not only damn near impossible to put on her, but would squeeze her arm and cut off the circulation. She'd be in tears by the time I managed to wrestle it off.
I chose to try this cover as my last resort. I should've made it my first choice. Not only was it easy easier to get on over her bulky cast, but it doesn't squeeze and hurt her arm. There's room enough for her thumb, since the cast makes it bulky, but the cover itself is not ridiculously long(as most children's arm cast covers are ridiculously long and look like kitchen trash bags hanging off the arm)
The water does not get in. I did put a sock over her cast first so that the plastic doesn't tear, and the cover then slides on and off easily, no cutting up my fingers on the cast either. After a few weeks, it starts to get a little stretched, and then she needs a new one. But overall, we went through 3 in the course of about 3 months, and no issues. She even went swimming with it on! No leaks! Don't waste money on these pricey covers that look like giant trash bags! Get this cast cover!
I'd buy it again. I know it says they are "reusable" but they are so inexpensive we bought enough that every day my kiddo went into the water we just slipped a new one on. A dry cast, and happy child = happy Mom. Best possible choice for my buck. My kiddo is 11, average size and had a cast that covered from the knuckles and was just a shy of the elbow. Product worked as expected

Feature Product
- Wound Care Products/Casts
- Protector Cast, Curad, Child Arm, 2/Bx
- Made in: United States
Curad Cast Protector Kid's Arm, 2 Count
I wish I had known about this product sooner. Even the doctor's office didn't tell me this was a thing. And this cast protector by Curad works SO MUCH BETTER than trying to jimmy a plastic bag for bathing. We've only used it once so far on my small two year old, and even though it's a bit large for her needs, it sealed the water out and we will be able to reuse it. I predict we will be fine with the two that come in the box for the duration of our cast wearing which is one month more.
My girl fractured her left forearm (distal radial-ulnar fracture), and so we needed something that would keep the cast dry for showers/bath. We've had this for 1.5 weeks now, and I've been thoroughly impressed, considering the price difference compared to some of the others. Box comes with 2 reusable sleeves, made of a silicon-y/plasticky semi stretchable material. The inlet is small- but with care you can easily stretch it enough to stick the forearm and cast in. When released, the hole shrinks back, giving a decent seal at the upper arm. It's good enough to keep splashes out but probably not enough to submerge the inlet under water. Does a good job keeping the insides dry. It's long enough that for my 5-year old, it covers all the way up above the elbow.
Material is thin but seems robust enough that I expect the sleeve to easily last a month. Considering there are 2 per box, and most forearm casts being needed for 6-8 weeks, one box will be plenty for us.
My toddler had a compound fracture on his left wrist. This came to above his elbow which was great. I didn't have to worry about water getting into it when he took a bath. I didn't push the limits of actually submerging his arm though. He looked forward to wearing it (it was new that only he could use) and didn't try to take it off due to being uncomfortable. Win for us!
These are great! I wish I bought these sooner. We have been using the same cover every night for 10 days now and it is holding up great. They work well and my daughter says they are comfortable too. The plastic is more like a rubbery material. Very elastic and durable. No leaks yet. We plan to use the second cover when this one shows wear, but still holding strong.
My son is 11 almost 12 and is very small for his age. His cast does NOT go all the way up to the elbow and the protector barely made it past his cast. I almost doubted it would work... but I was wrong . His cast is completely dry after showers. He has used the same protector about 5times and has not stetched out from pulling over the cast. If your 12yr old is average or on the bigger side I wouldn’t use this one.

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