For the outdoor types that plan head for the unexpected and are prepared will love this. For that sprain while hiking or hunting you will be glad you had this on hand. Great thing is the packs are tough to pop to activate, which is a good thing for storage. I simply slap between both hand, shake and place. Well worth it to care a few because being prepared is comfort.
Works, but not for very long. On the package it says DO NOT PUT DIRECTLY ON SKIN. I know they're trying to cover their own, but I had no problems putting this right on my knee. I'm not suggesting that others do this, I'm simply stating that I had no issues. It kept cool for about 10 mins. Easy to activate. ...and heres another little hint...they chill well in the freezer for re-use...but I would not suggest that.....js.
My daughter had surgery about 4 hours from home and we weren’t sure if she would have to spend the night in a hotel near the surgery center. I knew she would need to ice her wound every 2 hours so I ordered a box of these so we could always have access to fresh, cold ice packs. They were so easy to use that we even continued to use them once we got home!
The price isn't bad for these and the individual bags aren't huge so it makes it very easy to pack for any occasion. It's extremely easy to use, all you have to do is squeeze the big until you hear a pop and it instantly becomes cold. Don't expect it to be as cold as a bag filled with ice but nonetheless it get's cold enough for a short duration. I would say about 10-15 minutes the cold temperature begins to subside depending on the ambient temperature it's in.
Already used a couple of these during the grandson's basketball game. Did the trick. I passed out some of these to the coaches so they no longer have to scramble for ice.

Feature Product
- GET INSTANT PAIN RELIEF WITH COLD THERAPY: Did you sprain your ankle while running? Are your muscles sore? Do you suffer from toothache or headache? Did you get burnt or bitten by an insect? This instant ice packs will reduce the swelling and the inflammation, provide you with pain relief and speed up your recovery!
- YOU DON'T HAVE TO PUT THEM IN THE FREEZER: These cold therapy ice packs for injuries do NOT need a freezer to become ice cold. All you have to do is squeeze the center of the flexible ice pack and it will instantly become as cold as regular ice. This effect will last long enough to reduce your swelling and inflammation.
- USE THE ICE PACKS ON ANY PART OF YOUR BODY: Medpride's disposable ice packs come in packs of 24, and they are 5'' x 6'' inches each. Thanks to their practical size, you can use these cold ice packs on any part of your body, including your ankle, elbow, head, neck, hip, foot, wrist, knee, calf and shoulder.
- CARRY THEM AROUND WITH EASE AND SAFETY: If you're an athlete or you enjoy outdoor activities like hiking or hunting, you should definitely carry at least one cold ice pack in your bag, along with your other first aid supplies. In this way, you will be able to deal with minor injuries and restore your mobility faster.
- PREMIUM QUALITY DISPOSABLE KNEE ICE PACKS: Here at Medpride we're very proud of the superior quality of our cold therapy foot ice packs, because we know they are effective and absolutely safe for your health. So place an order and you will never again have to deal with joint swelling or painful muscle strains!
Did You Get Injured While You Were Working Out?
Don't panic! These instant cold therapy packs will provide you with pain relief, speed up the healing process and restore your mobility very fast.
All you have to do is squeeze the middle of the flexible ice packs and let its gel turn ice cold -it will feel like actual ice, minus the melting and sweating!
Each set includes 24 packs, so you can upgrade your first aid kit and take a cold pack with you whenever you work out, travel or enjoy outdoor activities.
Use Them On Any Part Of Your Body And For Any Injury!
These disposable cold packs are ideal for strained muscles, sprained joints, toothache, headache, insect bites, contusions, minor burns and more.
In the case of such an emergency, you can use one of these 5" x 6" disposable ice packs on the pained area, whether that is your:
The cold therapy ice packs are flexible, so they will conform to any part of your body and cover the injured area thoroughly.
This Is The Most Practical First Aid Product!
You can treat many different kinds of injuries with these instant ice packs, and you can get instant pain relief without the need for pain pills.
So if you're an athlete, an outdoorsy person or if you have kids, place an order and get yourself prepared for any emergency!
Scroll Up And Click "Add to Cart" NOW!
I bought this for the soccer team that I manage. I have used a couple of the packs this season, and they worked well.
I initially got these for my back spasms, but fortunately I haven’t been in need of one personally since I purchased them. On the other hand, my mother who is in her 70s decided she needed to get up on a stool and fell, I grabbed my ice packs and they were instantly cold, long enough lasting and just what we needed in the moment, luckily she didn’t need to go to the dr!
Is exactly as it is described minus the 20 minutes... First thing, for the people who question the activation, it's not a vial or pouch that pops where it indicates on the bag. You are literally popping all the beads inside. Best way is the smack it in your hands. You will not, repeat, NOT, pop the pouch and spill everything everywhere. Think of when you were popping a bread bag as a kid. Pouch flat in your left, slap with some force with your right. Do it a few times and you will feel liquid rather than beads. Shake and apply. Now as far as the time, I did watch the clock. I got 7 minutes of ice pack temps and then it began to warm up... Quickly. It was still cool but by 11 minutes, I now had a room temp liquid pouch. These are not meant to be the cure, just a quick fix for initial response (my 1st encounter from the old field kits in the military days which is how I remember the activation part). I got these because my ACL surgery follow-up is 4 hours away and no ice/gel pack would make that. So pop one of these every hour while on the road. Serves its purpose. Only reason it's a 4 star is because they claim 20 minutes... Which it does not...
Bought for my mom to help with a really bad skin itch problem she’s having. While they are not as cold as a real ice pack, they have been helpful for moments when she needs something fast to hold her over until she can get ice from the freezer. So, at the very least they are doing the trick as intended- she just wishes they were colder.
This product is very reasonably priced and activates/works fast and is as described and needed. We use these for our sons baseball team when an injury happens and have been very happy with how they work. We have used these along with other brands that other parents had and these seem to get cold faster and last longer.
I definitely recommend these to anyone who has kids that play sports or themselves do activities where these could be helpful.

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